Is it Autism and If So, What Next? A Guide for Adults

Written by Autism Speaks Date retrieved: 1/3/2021

Growing awareness about autism has led many young adults and adults to suspect they may be on the spectrum. 

This guide provides an overview of autism and helps clarify whether you should seek out an evaluation by a professional.

If you are diagnosed with autism, the kit will also walk you through next steps. It also includes critical information about your rights as an adult on the spectrum.

There is also a list of helpful resources for you to find more information as you set out on this new journey.

The tool kit is divided into the following sections:

  • What is Autism?

  • What are the Symptoms of Autism?

  • Strengths and Challenges by Dr. Stephen Shore

  • Medical and Psychiatric Issues that May Accompany Autism

  • How Do I Get a Diagnosis?

  • Why Do I Need a Diagnosis?

  • My Story: Diagnosed with Autism at 34

  • How is Autism Treated?

  • From Denial to Acceptance: I Was Diagnosed with Autism at 24

  • What are My Rights?

  • Disclosure...To Tell or Not to Tell?

  • Conclusion

  • Glossary

  • Resources


Symptoms of Autism