Bedtime Routines


Written by the experts at Innovative Spectrum Services

Is ending the day a constant struggle? Sleep and transitioning to sleep are forms of behavior. They can be improved and modified through individualized strategies similar to improving any other behavior. Lack of sleep leads to impatience, irritability and decreased concentration. Improved sleep can help to improve other behavior change efforts. The following tips have helped some families:

Develop a simple nighttime plan and work toward making it a routine

Develop a list of gradual “wind-down” activities that you can calmly preview together before the evening begins. Include what is going to happen after dinner: Some chill time? Take a bath/shower? Play a board game? Embed enjoyable, non-arousing activities in the end of day schedule. Make the bed a cozy “nest-like” place with special, soft bedtime toys and materials set aside for this time of the day.

Try using a visual schedule to decrease giving directions

Visual icons and photos that signal expected bedtime activities can reduce the back and forth exchanges about getting ready for bed. Google Images has an unlimited supply of icons that can be used to create visual reminders to get in pajamas, brush teeth and read a book or sing a song. You may want to save the piggyback ride for travel to the bed.

Things to avoid before bedtime

It is generally accepted that light signals our brains to wake and darkness signals time for sleep. Cut back on exposure to e-devices 2-3 hours before bedtime. At a minimum, dim the brightness, such as placing them in night mode. Restrict access to stimulants, such as caffeine and sugar. Save any difficult discussions, review of stressful incidents or teaching correct behavior for tomorrow. Think of one thing that went right today or may be possible for tomorrow and focus your joint attention on it.

Provide soothing sensory input

If touch is soothing, provide pressure, a back rub or other calming physical contact as part of getting into bed. Develop a mutually agreed upon bedtime playlist to help ease the nighttime transition. It signals bedtime and quiet. Check out this free music resource: 

Be ready for challenges to your efforts

Expect difficult moments and challenges to your approach. We recommend evaluating your efforts the next morning - after you hopefully get some rest! Behavior experts can help to support your efforts to improve bedtime routines by recommending individualized strategies that foster smooth bedtime transitions.

Innovative Spectrum Services provides support services at times of day that you need us, the most (like bedtime.)


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